Bystanders shall be left behind, soon gone. How to secure before the coming crisis?

Bystanders shall be left behind, soon gone. How to secure before the coming crisis?

04. 05. 2020

There is going to be a crisis, there is no money, there is no work, there is nothing We do not even know how many times we've heard this script, like a disaster movie, in recent days. It is clear that the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic will be indispensable, and that this global confusion will affect the money, work and daily lives of all of us.


However, you can protect yourselves against the crisis while minimizing its consequences. What about taking advantage of the slump in your favour and becoming a strong and financially independent person?

On purpose! We have put together 5 tips for you to overcome the crisis.


1. Do not sit, keep working

The worst thing you can do during a pandemic, a state of emergency and the coming crisis is to lie down and wait for it to pass. Of course, the present offers space to spend time with family or with yourself. This must not get out of control. As we know: “Bystanders shall be left behind, soon gone.”

Is it worth using this unpleasant moment to think about where you can move not to become bystanders. There are many educational articles or video courses free of charge through which you can gain experience in new areas or move on.


2. Think of the reserves

The financial crisis will most likely hit most of us. Therefore, it is necessary to think about money and reserves. In the last article on investing (Resolution 2.0: How can you fulfil your dreams this year?) , you could read that the most important thing about investing is to make your personal or family budget. In worse times, this is doubly true!

Knowing what you are spending is very important. Write your expenses on paper and think about where you can tighten the "taps" a little, and then put the money saved where it can start earning while creating a pillow from which you can take when you do not prosper.


3. Invest as a seasoned pro

A very simple rule applies to investments. If there is a crisis, buy! But, of course, with a measure of discretion. Avoid headless investments just because their prices are falling. It is important to think ahead and think about the development of investments in the future.

As for investment gold, its price is now at the beginning of its rocket growth, experts predict that it can reach $ 5,000 per troy ounce in two to five years, and that does not have to be the end price. As for the gold, the sooner you buy it the better, and more importantly, you will secure yourself against the upcoming crisis.

As we know, the gold is benefiting from economic crises. It acts as a safe harbour for your money, and you can withstand the turbulent economic crisis with it, which may negatively affect other investments. Right now, it is high time to invest in a yellow metal because it is about to start protecting. And right now (to the third of all good things) it is still available. However, the demand is considerably higher than the offer, and therefore, you have nothing to wait.

As one of the few companies, we still have enough physical gold which we send to our clients, and because we believe in this investment metal, we are trying to make it available to everybody. You may invest in gold already from EUR 4 per month.


4. The world is changing

The world is transforming and is likely to change for some time. The online environment is gaining importance and a large proportion of business is moving in just there. The more you adapt to this trend the better you will feel in your field of expertise.

Today, it is possible to invest online. With us, for example, you can start saving in gold without having to go anywhere or sign anything. Your contract will be activated by the first payment from the account specified by you in the contract.


5. Make plans

Planning is the foundation. Plan carefully what you want to accomplish, whether in your work or in investing. Specify your objectives and at the same time, prepare a list what you can do for their meeting. It will certainly show you many ways which will help you not only to overcome the upcoming crisis but also to prepare for subsequent economic growth which you will use to your benefit.

As you can see, there is no need to worry about the crisis. Every bad time represents an opportunity to move on. If you need any advice on how to work with the budget and following investing, call your financial consultant who has already moved to the online environment and who will be able to help you remotely. We wish you strong health and great investment success.

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