“The slower start of precious metals will go into substantial growth,” claims an investor and a publicist

“The slower start of precious metals will go into substantial growth,” claims an investor and a publicist

13. 01. 2021

A few weeks ago, we prepared the article for you that discussed the forecast of Lawrie Williams, a successful London publicist, writer and investor, in which he reflected on how his forecast for 2020 approached reality. At the beginning of January, Lawrie Williams released another article, in which he deals with this year. Let´see what a well-known publicist predicts for precious metals for this year.


The price of gold has stabilized at around USD 1,900, while the price of silver has stabilized at around USD 27 per ounce. According to Williams, a further increase can be expected in the short term. The initial enthusiasm of investors, however, may cool for a while, which may result in slight price corrections. However, this will be an opportunity for everyone to increase their assets held in gold.


Moreover – it's not over yet...

There are analysts who speculate that the dollar will not allow gold to grow as the market would do, precisely because the dollar, at least avfraction of it, will still fulfil its function as a world reserve currency. According to Williams, however, every wall will break once (and the walls of the American currency have been crumbling for a long time) and a new glow will enter the grey monarchy. “... before that happens, we expect gold to grow steadily in smaller increments, around 10% - 20% a year,” William predicts.

Investors in gold are certainly going to make money for their investment and will be able to continue to enjoy an independent life full of financial security. In addition, a cautious increase, as Williams writes, will help keep markets stable.


But, as is customary, there is always something in the game...

“We ignore the fact that there are many actors on stage that can change everything. In 2008, it was the collapse of the financial market that catapulted gold and silver to the forefront of investor´s interest for the next three years. Covid-19 and everything around it can (still) affect the world economy in a very similar way.”

Despite the fact that the banks recovered relatively quickly and took steps to improve economies, the virus mutated. These are relatively huge changes in plans. If this happens again (which is very likely), major growth may be expected for gold and silver.

If you do not want to let the investment train go by and if you want to live your life with certainty while enjoying pleasant earnings, start investing in gold. You may invest in gold already from EUR 4 per month.

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