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What are the benefits of Lady Fortuna™ gold bar? What makes them unique and what do I get when I buy it?

Gold investment bar PAMP with Lady Fortuna™ design is protected by the VERISCAN™ technology. The investment bar has a fineness of 999.9/1000 and is packed in a plastic package, which is an integral part of the certificate, which has all the essentials required for an investment gold – the country of production, refinery, weight. Each bar has its own unique number, which appears on both the certificate and the bar itself. The PAMP bars up to 100 g with a stamped Fortuna design are the bestselling bars in the world. Their easy recognizability, thanks to the mint, is a guarantee of high liquidity for every precious metal dealer. IBIS InGold guarantees the purchase of these goods.

Why is it worth investing in investment coins? Why they are different from normal ones and what is the difference between investment and collector coins?

Coins are issued as an official tender of a particular country and have a nominal value. It is therefore money. This may be an advantage when transported abroad. Even if they are made of one of the precious metals – most often gold or silver – the owner usually avoids possible duties, because the duty is not imposed on the money. However, the specific conditions for importing precious metal coins may vary according to national regulations. Investment coins do not have a limited circulation, they are marked only by the year of issue and their number is given only by the demand, the value is then given only by the price and weight of the precious metal from which they are made. Collector coins have a limited circulation and their price is determined not only by the price of the metal, but also by the demand of the collectors and may differ diametrically from the price of the metal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of collector coins compared to investment coins? What should I be careful about when buying them and is the collector's edition a guarantee of good investment?

These are the most commonly issued coins in a limited edition, which, depending on the size of the edition increases the future purchase price of the coins. The advantage is that the value of the coin does not only increase as the price of gold increases, but also increases due to the rareness that increases with time. On the contrary, the disadvantage is the liquidity of such coins, which are more of a collector's or professional investment interest. Not every coin achieves the high value given by the limited edition. Collector coins are sold at a higher (sometimes much higher) price than standard investment coins after minting. Investing requires a deep knowledge of the matters, otherwise there is a risk that the client will buy at a high price and sell cheaply.

What kind of advantages it means? Is it worth it instead of buying each gram separately? Why a multigram from IBIS InGold?

Ideal liquidity assurance in the event of disasters, collapse and currency crisis. Its advantage is easy storage, divisibility, high liquidity and VERISCAN™ on each piece. IBIS InGold guarantees the purchase of individual parts of Multigram. Also interesting is the purchase price, which is more advantageous than buying each 1 gram separately.


Why is it better than a paper form of gold? Why is investment in physical gold so safe and more effective in the long run?

Physical gold represents a real protection against inflation, adverse political influences or economic instability. The physical form of gold differs substantially from the paper one (ETF certificates, gold funds, shares funds, etc.). The paper gold is a financial asset and the investor often buys just a promise, a castle in the air. In fact, gold declared on the gold plated paper certificate does not physically exist, or the volume of gold issued in the certificates is more than the real amount of physical gold available at all. The paper investment system may not be under the control of the ordinary investor and is dependent on the decisions of bankers or politicians and financial institutions. The settlement of the paper gold is mostly in money, not in physical gold. In contrast, physical gold is tangible property without the risk of counterparty behaviour.

What is the strength of a precious metal? Why is it my money security and why does it work better than other long-term bond assets? How will be gold in the future?

Gold is a store of value and is practically independent of economic conditions. Unlike shares in companies or government bonds, gold will always maintain its value. Almost every country has experienced at least one major currency crisis in the last hundred years. Those who held a part of their property in gold survived these periods relatively well. Unfortunately, most people have seen how their many years of savings become worthless, sometimes even within a few days. However, gold remains an insurance against an inflation in turbulent or uncertain times. Compared to gold, all of the currencies are losing their purchasing power due to the constant rise in prices of goods and services. Only from 2000 to 2010 increased its price five times. Gold is also increasingly used as a hedge against the fluctuation of the USD exchange rate, which is still considered the main currency in the world. Gold and USD are the main reserve instruments of central banks. If the USD exchange rate to other currencies raises (the USD strengthens), the price of gold in USD usually decreases, and vice versa, if the USD exchange rate declines to other currencies (the USD weakens), the price of gold in USD usually increases. Therefore, gold has proved itself many times in the past as an effective protection against a weak currency in general.

Why diversify your investment portfolio to thirds and how to do it to make it both profitable and secure? What role does gold play in it?

Gold is a key part of the three spokes rule. This is a unique investment rule that has never failed in centuries. There is a rumour that the richest human communities, such as China's foreign diaspora, Jews, or Armenians follow this rule. Their legendary wealth is largely based on adherence to the rule of the three spokes. And all that is needed besides is the time. These communities count on this.

How does the three spokes rule work? Imagine an imaginary wheel divided into three slices (by spokes). One spoke represents commercial instruments (money, stocks, bonds). The second spoke represents real estates and the third represents precious metals. Whoever thinks in long‑term, invests one third of his property in each spoke. One of the spokes of the fictional wheel points at twelve o'clock, the other at four in the afternoon and the third at eight o'clock in the evening. As the years run and the wheel spins, the spokes are changing each other. This brings the individual segments of the investment to the sunlight and the investor buys or sells according to the current situation. Gold is a meaningful item in every portfolio because it behaves anti‑cyclically to the US dollar and stocks, i.e. if stocks and dollar are falling, the price of gold rises and vice versa. Therefore, gold serves as a stabilizer.

Why precious metals can't be traced, and what are the benefits? Is it better than a real estate or shares?

Gold, unlike shares or real estate, cannot be traced (melting the bars will destroy the bar numbers), it can be sold anonymously anywhere in the world (liquidity), cannot be traced publicly, bears no address, no owner name, no purchase price, etc.

How is it in comparison with gold? Why is silver often forgotten? Is it worth to reach for the grey metal besides the yellow metal?

The expected development of the price growth has much greater potential than in a case of gold. Historically, the price ratio between gold and silver has been monitored. At present, the scissors are very wide open between these two metals, the price of silver has fallen much more than the price of gold. While the price of gold from its peak in 2011 fell in the order of 30 %, the price of silver fell in the order of 70 %. Now the silver has a much higher potential for price increase than gold.

The disadvantage of silver is in greater volatility. While the price of gold is influenced primarily by macroeconomic indicators, the price of silver depends, besides macroeconomic indicators, also on industrial production, because the low price still makes it a metal for an industrial processing.

Another disadvantage of silver is its VAT burden. Silver is sold with VAT, but the purchase is without VAT. VAT thus increases the spread (difference between buy and purchase price) on silver by 21 % more than in case of gold.

The third disadvantage of silver is its volume. While for 40 000 EUR we buy approximately one kilogram of gold, which is as big as a standard iPhone and therefore easy to transport or store, for 40 000 EUR we buy more than 50 kilograms of silver, which is much larger and bulkier.

How does the company work? What is so unique about the products offered? What products to choose?

Market leader with more than 25 years of history. They offer their customers unique possibilities and benefits – saving in investment precious metals, purchase of investment ingots and coins with the protective element Veriscan™ from the prestigious brand PAMP®, free deposits and guarantee of repurchase of ingots and coins. They have an elaborate system of informing clients on interesting possibilities of purchase and a user-friendly interface. They specify both purchase and repurchase prices transparently.

Is it more advantageous to buy gold on a one-time basis or to save regularly? What will I get by investing in precious metal regularly?

One - time investment is great. However, regular saving of money is far more accessible and usually more profitable. Gold can be bought regularly with iiplan® (intelligent investment plan). A part of the investment ingot or coin selected is bought for every payment sent. Thus, the average purchase price of precious metal is calculated and differences between individual waves of investment are decreasing.

Thanks to regular investment, it is possible to invest in a bigger ingot or coin and to gain a more favourable price of one gram of gold. Moreover, a smaller amount per month will not shake the budget as a huge one-time investment.

How does the gold repurchase process work in IBIS InGold? When will I have my money for gold in my account?

Repurchase of precious metals is very simple and the liquidity is very fast. IBIS InGold guarantees to the customers the repurchase of precious metals sold. After delivery and inspection of the metal, the money is sent to the client's account the next working day. The vast majority of the clients have money in their checking account within 48 hours.

Why isn't a charge as another charge? How do I pay the initial price increase and when will I get my money back?

In a case of a regular investment, the client pays an initial price increase at the beginning, either as non-recurring or recurring charge. However, this “fee” is fully refunded to the client upon repurchase of the metal.

How does IBIS InGold oversees my gold bars? Why to keep them deposited in their vaults?

IBIS InGold has its stocks and deposited ingots of its clients hidden in the vaults with maximum security.

IBIS InGold provides all clients with the saving programme “intelligent investment plan”, iiplan®, a free deferred shipment of saved products for the duration of the iiplan® contract agreed.

Can everybody save in gold? What if I am not able to pay or on the contrary what if I want to invest more?

By means of IBIS InGold intelligent investment plan, it is possible to save in gold from 4 EUR per month. Payments may be arbitrarily increased or decreased or the whole contract may be paid based on your current financial possibilities. iiplan® may also be transferred to another person free of charge.

The only condition for concluding the iiplan® contract is the age of majority. Everybody who cares about their money and savings made may invest in gold. Thanks to the contract without signature, you can start your investment any time and from anywhere. Simply connect to the Internet. You are not limited by the number of contracts either. You may negotiate several savings in gold for various purposes.

Why does metal act as a money security and why its price is rising in a long term? Is it convenient to reach for a history-proven value?

Because it is a fantastic instrument to keep a value and often the only physical investment in your portfolio. By purchasing gold, the client protects his assets in the event of economic downturn.

What plays a role when fixing it? Why sometimes the dollar price increases and the price in Czech crowns falls? What to look at while watching the price of gold?

Items and fees included in the gold price calculation:

  • mining costs (usually stated in USD per 1 oz)
  • price of precious metal on the stock exchange
  • exchange rate
  • refinery margin
  • wholesale margin
  • retail margin

Currency exchange rates play the same role as the price of gold and silver on the metal exchange in dollars (USD) from which the global market determines the selling and redemption prices. In case of strengthening of the Czech crown it may happen that while the price of precious metal in dollars is rising, the price in Czech crowns is stagnating or even falling. However, in case of the depreciation of the Czech crown the effect may be reversed. Thus, when the price of gold or silver in dollars is falling, the price in Czech crowns may stagnate or even rise.

Why there is no need to be afraid of the signatureless contract? How does the iiplan® negotiation process work and what are the benefits of online communication?

This is a binding legal form of contract negotiation. Based on the communication between the client and the seller, the draft contract iiplan® is prepared. This is then, together with the pre-contractual information and payment information, sent to the client's e-mail, where he/she can check and study all the documentation. The client expresses his agreement with the conditions by sending a confirmation payment, which makes the contract negotiated and effective.

The introduction of the signatureless contract significantly simplified the process of concluding the iiplan® contracts. There is no need to hold stocks of forms or print the contracts concluded, which means significant cost savings. The client has the contract in his/her e-mail, but whenever he/she can find it in his/her IBIS InGold customer account.


Is VAT applied to gold? And to silver? What defines the term investment gold?

Gold in the form of investment bars and coins is exempted from value added tax. The VAT exemption occurred in connection with the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union. The Value Added Tax Act No. 235/2004 Sb. defines the term of investment gold and provides for its exemption from VAT.

Investment silver is not exempted from VAT and the VAT here is 21 %.

Why does gold also act as a security against distraint and why is it easier to donate or bequeath it than money?

Investing in precious metals brings one big advantage – it is anonymous. The owner may at any time give or sell gold to someone without being obliged to report or record with which person the trade or exchange has taken place. This means a definite advantage if the person concerned, for example, deals with distraint or inheritance and the precious metal is not kept in our deposit but in his/her home.

What do I need to sell gold? How to become a partner? What does the Czech National Bank monitor when selling gold?

For the sale of investment gold and silver, the consultant does not need to pass demanding professional competence tests and financial advisory certificates. These products are not subject to regulation by the Czech National Bank.

To sell to end customers, a trade licence for a subject of Production, trade and services not listed in Annexes 1 to 3 of the Trades Licensing Act”, branch of activity “Intermediation services in the field of trade or Intermediation of services” is required.

Is a paper gold really gold? How secure is an investment in paper and who is the part of the buying and selling process and sees all the movements of my investment?

The paper gold is a financial asset and the investor often buys just a promise, a castle in the air. In fact, gold declared on the gold-plated paper certificate does not physically exist, or the volume of gold issued in the certificates is more than the real amount of physical gold available at all. The paper investment system may not be under the control of the ordinary investor and is dependent on the decisions of bankers or politicians and financial institutions. The settlement of the paper gold is mostly in money, not in physical gold.

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