Investment metal buyback prices

The repurchase price is based on the actual price of investment metals on the Stock Exchange and on the currency rate.

If you are interested in the repurchase of investment precious metals, do not hesitate to contact IBIS InGold®, a.s. We buy all goods sold by us back. After receiving your offer, we will by return contact you with the actual repurchase price which we will confirm on physical verification of the investment metal delivered.

Prices are updated after 6 p.m. (CET) on Mondays to Fridays.

Investment metal buyback prices

Latest price updates

28. 02. 2025  17:59
Investment gold ingots Lady Fortuna
VAT rate - 0 %
WeightRepurchase metal price *Repurchase premium IBIS *Repurchase premium iiplan® *Total repurchase price

1,00 g

76,50 EUR

16,00 EUR

11,20 EUR

103,70 EUR

103,70 EUR *


1,00 g

Repurchase metal price *

76,50 EUR

Repurchase premium IBIS *

16,00 EUR

Repurchase premium iiplan® *

11,20 EUR

Total repurchase price

103,70 EUR

* Prices are exclusive of VAT
More buyback information

Buyback request


Good to know
  • Repurchased prices without VAT are valid for customers – VAT non-payers, repurchase prices with VAT are valid for customers – VAT payers.

  • The repurchase premium IBIS can be exercised only for coins and ingots bought from IBIS InGold®, a.s., through the internet store IBIS InGold.

  • Repurchase Premium of IBIS for the cast ingot with the weight of 1 000 g shall be applied only in the case of repurchasing the ingot which is realized after 60 months from its delivery to the Buyer. In the case of realizing the repurchase of the cast ingot with the weight of 1 000 g sooner, the Repurchase Premium of IBIS amounts to zero, i.e. it is not a part of the Total Repurchase Price.

Buyback premium by savings product

The repurchase premium iiplan® can applied only to coins and ingots purchased under the Purchase Contract iiplan® intelligent investment plan. These values are the maximum amount of the repurchase premium iiplan® on one investment piece. Repurchase premium iiplan® will be paid not exceeding a value of share of the paid input price increase of the first piece and the total number of the investment pieces specified in the Purchase Contract iiplan®, through which the pieces were purchased.

The Repurchase Premium iiplanGold® can be applied only to cast ingots with the weight of 1 000 g if the repurchase of the ingot is realized after 60 months from its delivery to the Buyer. In the case of realizing the repurchase of the cast ingot with the weight of 1 000 g sooner, the Repurchase Premium of iiplanGold® amounts to zero, i.e. it is not a part of the Total Repurchase Price.

The iiplanRentier® Repurchase Premium can only be applied to the first piece of gold ingot weighing 311  g repurchased under a specific iiplanRentier® contract. If more than one piece of ingot weighing 311 g is repurchased (consecutively or at the same time), the Repurchase Price of the second and all subsequent repurchased pieces will not be increased by the iiplanRentier® Repurchase Premium, the iiplanRentier® Repurchase Premium is zero in these cases, i.e. it is not part of the Total Repurchase Price. The values shown are the maximum amount of the iiplanRentier® Repurchase Premium for the first piece. The iiplanRentier® Repurchase Premium will be paid up to a maximum of the value of the input price increase paid for the first piece.

The iiplanMax® Repurchase Premium can only be applied to the first piece of gold ingot weighing 12 440  g repurchased under a specific iiplanMax® contract. If more than one piece of ingot weighing 12 440 g is repurchased (consecutively or at the same time), the Repurchase Price of the second and all subsequent repurchased pieces will not be increased by the iiplanMax® Repurchase Premium, the iiplanMax® Repurchase Premium is zero in these cases, i.e. it is not part of the Total Repurchase Price. The values shown are the maximum amount of the iiplanMax® Repurchase Premium for the first piece. The iiplanMax® Repurchase Premium will be paid up to a maximum of the value of the input price increase paid for the first piece.

Buyback details

The repurchase of investment precious metals purchased based on the Purchase Contract iiplan®, fulfilling the conditions of the Guarantee Certificate valid on the day of negotiating the contract iiplan®, or the proposal of the contract iiplan®, shall be realized for the total repurchase price specified in the public promise while following the conditions of the guarantee. If the actual total repurchase price is higher than the total repurchase price according to the Guarantee Certificate, the investment precious metals shall be repurchased for the actual price.

If goods are delivered damaged, with a damaged certificate or without a certificate, a lower buyback price may be set. The IBIS buyback premium will not be paid or buyback will be refused, and the goods will be returned at the customer’s own expense to the customer’s address and marked for delivery directly to the addressee.

If the customer does not agree with the repurchase price, he/she must report this fact to the following e-mail address [email protected] within 2 hours from delivering an e-mail notification. The repurchase shall not be realized and ingots/coins shall be immediately returned at the customer’s costs (postage fees, package fees and insurance according to the Seller’s Pricelist of Fees and Services).

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We’ll be happy to assist. Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.