Bank connection
Select the country in which you hold your account and the currency in which you wish the payment to be made.

United Kingdom

Recipient’s IBAN account number
SWIFT (BIC) code
specified in EUR
Fee – type
SHA – fees shall be paid by each party to their banks
Payment title
120 (imports of goods)
Country code
Variable symbol *
Order number
Specific symbol *
buyer’s date of birth
in YYYYMMDD format
Recipient’s name
IBIS InGold, a. s.
Recipient’s address
Rybná 682/14, Praha 1, 110 00, Czechia
Recipient’s bank
Fio banka, a.s.
Address of recipient’s bank
V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1, 117 21
* If the bank does not enter a variable and specific symbols, please specify in the column Payer´s Reference or Transaction Description.
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